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Welcome to the Transylvania Food Waste Portal!

en-funded by the eu-pos.WebP

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No. 101036388

Why Zerowaste?

Climate change. Food insecurity. A fragile global food system. All these challenges are worsened by food loss and waste.

If we want to sustainably feed a growing world population, we need to start by tackling food loss and waste - all the way from farm to fork. That is what the ZeroW project is about.

The partners and us

Check out our 9 living labs across Europe

Reducing FLW through real-life systemic innovation labs

FLW monitoring and assesment

Tech-IN Waste-OUT:  Open, data-driven platform for capturing and assessing FLW data throughout the supply chain​

Wasteless greenhouse solutions

Computer vision predicts the future in greenhouses before harvesting

Ugly food identification

It is estimated that one third of the EU's total agricultural production is discarded as "ugly" food, although of perfectly good quality and fit for human consumption. 

Efficient food bank networks

Food banks aim to address both food waste and food insecurity.

Informing and nudging consumers

How can you adapt the knowledge of food loss and waste in your everyday life through little helping hands like recipes, meal boxes, labels and other digital and practical solutions without compromising nutritional aspects?

Innovative sustainable and smart packaging

Packaging solution to extend the shelf-life of packaged products and facilitate stock management

Mobile food valorisation as a service

The aim of this Living Lab is to demonstrate innovative processing solutions which can be marketed as a service for optimizing the processing of surplus fruits and vegetables which would otherwise go to waste.

Data driven production process control

Processes in the poultry industry can be optimized to minimize food loss. This is being tested in this Living Lab by implementing portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) technology and intelligent data analysis.

FLW valorisation through algae production

A pre-treatment process can turn ordinary retail waste into high value micro-algae feed

Let's Connect!

Transilvania IT Cluster

55-57, Constantin Brancusi Street, 400458

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania

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